Monthly Archives: November 2021

Benefits of Partnering with a Reliable Title Company

A real estate transaction of any kind is a big deal, and you want to ensure all parties involved are qualified. A reliable title company can be an incredible asset for many different reasons.   Local is Best When dealing with real estate, all parties involved in the transaction must be working with the knowledge&nbsp&nbsp[Read more…]

New Federal Privacy Laws

Recently, associations have been pushing for new federal privacy laws to protect all Americans. These laws are especially important to pay attention to if you deal with real estate transactions and legal documents.   The Pressure is On Over 20 associations are collectively urging Congress to pass privacy legislation that will encompass the entire nation.&nbsp&nbsp[Read more…]

The Information a Title Company Will Need from Your Client

A title company plays several important roles in a real estate transaction. Generally, title companies act as a combined agent of the insurance company, the buyer or borrower, and the mortgage lenders. It’s the title company’s job to review the title and issue insurance policies, facilitate the closing, and file vital paperwork. For these reasons,&nbsp&nbsp[Read more…]